Cleaning Instructions

Better Shower Heads

Installation Trouble Shooting and Cleaning Instructions


  1. Prior to installing B Save Shower Head, wrap threads on pipe with Teflon tape. 
  2. Tighten shower head. ** If using tools to tighten, wrap coupling with a soft cloth as to not scratch  new shower head. 
  3. Turn on shower to verify no leaks.

Trouble Shooting Installation or Cleaning Leaks 

1. Leakage at connection- If there is any leakage around connection to existing pipe, tighten slightly. If  still leaking, remove shower head and verify Teflon tape was used or installed properly.

2. Leakage at faceplate cover- Open the shower head and verify the round black O-Ring is seated flat all  the way around the face plate. Better logo faces out towards floor. 

Preventative Maintenance Cleaning 

1. During the preventative maintenance schedule, remove the shower head cover, remove the existing  spray plate and O-Ring. 

2. With a mixture of ½ water ½ white vinegar wipe out the inside of shower head housing and spray plate  using a Micro-Fiber Towel. This removes any lime, and or scale. This also assists from legionella forming. 

3. Reassemble and Reinstall shower head while making sure O-Ring is inserted on top of the face plate  and not pinched between face plate and threads.  

4. Turn on shower verify no leaks.